These district level institutions called Van Vigyan Kendras (VVKs) should work on the lines of the exsiting Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs) for agriculture.
Delivering his Presidential Address in the First Indian Forest Congress in Delhi on Tuesday, Dr Swaminathan said : “Van Vigyan Kendras need to be set up at district levels wherever needed to encourage agro-forestry, apart from helping in conserving, developing and exploiting forest resources in a balanced manner. The VVKs should also select and suggest plantation of trees which increases the fertility of soils – Fertiliser Trees.”
He said that cashew nut trees have proved to improve the soil texture damaged after extensive mining.
Dr Swaminathan said the government’s flagship programme Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Generation Act (MGNREGA) Scheme should be deployed for agro-forestry and conserving forests. Also the Green India Mission, one of the eight missions under India’s National Action Plan for Climate Change should be focussed for this purpose.
He took a dig at the working of the Botanical Gardens in the country saying “these are in disarray.”
Dr Swaminathan suggested development of Local Heritage Sites and its subsequent conservation on the lines of World Heritage Sites
He suggested modification of Indian Forest Service which he feels should have four different streams, including biodiversity. He also suggested developing coastal bio-shields including plantation of mangroves. “The mangroves along the southern coast
acted as a shield in the last tsunami,” he said and added that similar bio-shields should be put in place around nuclear power plants.
Dr Swaminathan, who is also a nominated Member of the Upper House of Indian Parliament – Rajya Sabha, lamented the fact that political commitment for forest conservation as shown by late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was lacking today. He stressed the need for the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) to conduct focused research on coastal areas, mangroves, hill and dry zones of the country. He asked the DG, ICFRE to start projects on developing technologies for the mining rehabilitation as these areas need immediate interventions.
Inaugurating the Congress, the Union Minister of State for Environment and Forests, Jayanthi Natrajan said that in India agro and farm forestry was promoted in recent years through various schemes and Externally Aided Projects to bridge the gap between demand and supply for timber and fuel wood and also as an alternative livelihood option to enhance the income farmers.
Regarding Forest certification mechanism she said it was yet to take firm roots in our country but ways and means should be designed to build up a system for its effective implementation for overall betterment of our forest development. Stating the importance of eco-tourism she informed that its development has shown great potential for employment generation for local youth. This opportunity must be factored into sustainable management of our forests she said and asked the experts to evolve innovative solutions for human-wildlife conflict, development of forest certification in the country and to assess the tangible and non-tangible benefits from the forests.
The Minister stressed the need for second generation reforms in the Joint Forest Management Programme (JFM) and recognition of the rights of the local people and their capacity building. She praised the community of foresters for doing commendable work in protecting the forests in the midst of increasing population pressure and stressed that current investment in forest management be increased for ensuring food and water security. She urged the need for strengthening the forest bureaucracy in order to meet the increasing pressure on the forests.
The Country Director of UNDP–India, Caitilin Wiesen said that UNDP was supporting the efforts of mainstreaming the biodiversity conservation and forest based livelihoods. She welcomed the theme areas selected for the Congress and pledged the support of UNDP to ICFRE.
President of Roman Forum, FAO, Maharaj Muthoo in his introductory remarks informed the delegates about the international trends in forest management. Former Director General of Forests, AK Mukherjee in his key note address proposed policy changes in the forestry programmes of the country. He stressed the need to bring more and more science in JFM and on tribal land issues.