“Supply shortages are putting a severe strain on businesses and undermining people’s quality of life, with poor communities suffering the most,” said Herath Gunatilake, Lead Energy Economist in ADB's South Asia Department. “Providing more electricity more reliably is absolutely critical for Bangladesh’s growth and development.”
450,000 households will receive new power connections through the multitranche facility’s financing of an expansion and upgrade of generation, transmission and distribution facilities. Carbon emissions will also be reduced by almost 2.5 million tons per year.
Investment over the last 15 years has substantially improved Bangladesh’s power supply network, but more than half the population still has no access to electricity. Outages are frequent, especially in peak periods. Demand is rising, and is already nearly double the current generating capacity. The cost of supply interruptions to the economy is estimated at around 0.5% of annual gross domestic product.
The program will boost the efficiency of several generating facilities to increase capacity by up to 700 megawatts. The program will also fund hundreds of kilometers of new transmission and distribution lines and improve supply equipment.
The first $185-million tranche loan will be used to convert a gas-fired power plant in Khulna, the third largest city in the country, into a more efficient, cleaner-burning combined cycle plant.
Power system and financial management training will be given to staff in sector institutions, and a pilot project with around 200 solar energy-driven irrigation pumps will be established, benefitting around 4,000 poor farming families.
The investments are part of a broader government plan to reform and strengthen the power sector, tapping private sector financing. The goal is to raise generating capacity to more than 12,500 megawatts and the rate of electrification to 68% by 2025.
The overall program, costing $1.6 billion, includes cofinancing from the Agence Française de Développement, the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the Islamic Development Bank, as well as a government contribution of $222 million. As part of the program ADB will also administer a $7 million capacity building grant from EIB.
ADB to Provide $700 Million to Help End Crippling Power Shortages in Bangladesh
Special Correspondent - 2012-11-28 10:43
MANILA, PHILIPPINES – The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is providing a $700 million loan to dramatically boost Bangladesh’s power supply system, which will reduce outages and shortages that are crippling the economy and causing severe hardship across the country.