As you go deeper within yourself, you will find the center, and not only of yourself. It will be the center of the whole existence. At the center we meet, on the periphery we are separate. We are separate only in our bodies, in our minds, but beyond body and mind we are just an ocean of consciousness.
There is no 'I am', there is simply pure awareness with no distinctions, no divisions.'Man is bound to remain in misery simply because he thinks in terms of separation, he thinks in terms of his own identity.
But remember: No man is an island. To think oneself separate from the whole is the only illusion. All other illusions arise out of it.
We are part of a vast continent, we are not islands. To remember it is the only way to be transformed. We have not really to change anything, because the very idea of separation is false. It is just an idea. Once it is understood everything becomes clear. This idea is just an error, a mistake.
It arises because of certain reasons: We have separate bodies, that gives the idea of separation. We have separate minds, that gives the idea of separation; but we are neither the body nor the mind. We are consciousness.
Once you start feeling yourself as consciousness, then there is
no separation.
Inner Transformation means to awaken from the illusion of separation and to realize the unity with all that exists.#
What inner transformation means
Harsh Malik - 2009-09-14 12:00
Just looking into your own space, what is hidden in you. From where comes this life? From where comes this consciousness?