We come out of our mothers’ womb not on our own, but it is the fruit of certain action. Taking birth is a fruit which depends on certain actions done prior to our birth. Those actions were causes and the birth was their fruit. There is thus direct relation of our birth to certain actions prior to our birth.
The nature of being and reality of existence is yet not fully known. We know only certain things, and beyond that there is darkness.
We know only this much: We get this human body along with the five organs of action – hands, legs, mouth, genital and the organ for excretion. There are also five organs of sense – skin for touch, tongue for taste, nose for smell, eyes to see, and the ears to hear. And then there are the mind, the intellect and the consciousness. These are thirteen in all.
These thirteen make us to resort to actions all the time. What we perceive as escape, or escapism, is also an action of this body in which all of these thirteen or less are involved. Since, to escape is an action, there will be some fruit of action that visit us irrevocably.
And, the fruits are of two kinds – one is good and the other is bad. Good fruits give us happiness and joy at the end, while bad fruits give us miseries and grief in the end.
We sometimes get chance to choose from the available options, and sometimes have no option but to suffer under the yoke of certain actions and compelled to enjoy or suffer their fruits.
When we get options to initiate action in a particular situation, we find ourselves driven by the knowledge and wisdom that we happen to acquire till that moment. The mind, the intellect, and the consciousness lead us to initiate certain action which also includes ‘in-action’.
Then, there are threefold human nature – the nature born of ignorance and inactivity, the nature born of knowledge and activity, and the nature born of wisdom and goodness. Since, the mankind, do not have capacity to evade the threefold nature of human existence, we simply cannot get rid of them.
All the actions which also include ‘in-actions’, are thus the product of the organs of action, organs of sense, the mind, the intellect, the consciousness, and the threefold nature.
Indulgence and non-indulgence in a particular activity or group of activities along with their fruits are thus regulated, enjoyed and suffered by the nature of being and the reality of existence, which can simply not be escaped.
It should be recognized that we are constantly at work, always doing something of the other, and there is no escape form actions and their fruits. That is why when we find options to choose from, we certainly choose the actions that are good at the end in terms of bearing fruits for the self as well as for others. We should choose not to resort to the actions that bear such fruits that are bitter at the end.
There is no escape, keeping from actions and their fruits impossible
Dr Gyan Pathak - 2010-07-07 08:51
There is no escape from actions and their fruits. We are helplessly compelled to do something throughout our life, right from our birth to death. There cannot be any moment in our life when one does not work. There is no escape from action, and therefore, there is no question of escapism. Our all actions to escape from unhappy situations of our lives are also actions. And where there is action, there is bondage. All actions bind us to certain fruits.