These so called newer bugs generates due to the very fact that the C Programming language uses 'Standard time library' which sets a 4-byte format for time tracking. These are signed bit integer and has maximum value of 2,147,483,647 i.e. they will die up when it reaches 19 January, 2038 and that's when our Y2K38 bug comes.
If, the remedy is to use a 64 bit integer instead of 32 bit then our other friend arrives, called Y2K184. This Y2k184 is prone to Windows Operating System as our Windows NT Kernel uses the 64 bit integer only to store time. Our third friend Y29940 will stick to Macintosh's Operating System as it has been claimed so.
Y2K38 being the near one will affect Unix Operating System but not Linux or Solaris as they already use 64 bit integer. Therefore Y2k38 is referred to as 'Unix Millenium Bug' also. The present scenario gives us remedy in the form of 'delay' only, which means presently these bugs can only be delayed for sometime but couldn't be eliminated or in other words these bugs will only change their present names and will sprung up later with newer names.
Remedies suggested were that instead of storing in 'signed' bit integer, use 'unsigned' or create higher bit operating systems i.e 64 bit, 128 bit or 256 bit or even higher. Some are practical solutions while others need more money, care and support.
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) when launched it's 64 bit microprocessor, experts claimed that these were irrelevant but now they know that if higher bit microprocessors are not built then how come higher bit Operating Systems will take it's shape and what will happen to these bugs?
Research is going on day by day and these remedies may be applied for sometime until newer methods will come. Time is still there to think whether to change programming languages behind these operating systems or to change their platforms. As most operating systems are built on 'C Programming' language, the question must be asked whether we will see an entirely new programming language to code operating systems and how will our 'bits and bytes' world would react to that?#
Time Bugs Eating Bytes
Bug strings are endless - Computer programmings should change
After over hyped Y2K there are Y2K38, Y2K184 and Y29940 threats
Saurabh Sugandh - 2009-10-31 11:15
The over hyped 'Y2K bug' didn't bother much. But do you know, why? And what's standing next for the offering? For Y2K bug, it can be understood that being immune to the C Programming language's loopholes, it didn't trouble much. But still there are new ones being sprung up every time. Try Y2K38, Y2K184 and Y29940! These are not new but old ones which didn't get much attention.