That the farmers' distress remains unaddressed is evident from the latest reliable data available on suicides by peasants that shows 13,754 reported cases of suicides in 2012 - 3,786 in Maharashtra, 2,572 in Andhra Pradesh, 1,875 in Karnataka, 1,172 in Madhya Pradesh.
The issue is of the livelihood security of farmers and making agriculture in India a profitable enterprises and to retain youth force in agriculture and rural economy. But it is unfortunate that the policies of the government was designed to pull out people from agriculture and cause migration to cities and create slums in cities.
With a view to boost the livelihood prospects of farmers, the National Commission on Farmers headed by noted agriculture scientist Dr MS Swaminathan had suggested fixation of minimum support prices (MSPs) for crops at a minimum of 50 per cent higher than the weighted average cost of production. But the implementation of this suggestion has been long awaited.
There is an urgent need to restructure the monolithic Food Corporation of India (FCI) to enable purchase of farm produces in different parts of the country. Procurement of farm produces should be done at the level of cluster of villages where farmers can get the full benefit of the MSPs. Storage facilities or grain banks should be set up in the cluster of villages. This structure will be cost effective and enable cheaper transportation of food grains from surplus to nearby deficient areas. FCI should expand its mandate to procure more crops, including some horticulture crops and pulses.
Agriculture in India still remains as a gamble with the monsoon. This year the weathermen have predicted a poor monsoon. If the forecast turns out to be true, it would cause additional hardship to farmers.
The Modi government which has declared its intention to phase out subsidies on fuel, fertilisers should know that this is not in the interests of farmers and agriculture. Adequate power and diesel subsidy should be given to draw water for irrigation. Drip irrigation materials should be sold to farmers at a subsidized cost. De-silting of canals, energizing tubewells, repairing of faulty pumps should be taken up on a war footing. Subsidized seeds should be given to farmers to grow alternate crops. Special attention should be given to the chronic dry areas of the country. Subsidized fodder should be provided for milch animals and poultry, particularly in dry areas. These are some immediate measures to mitigate the hardship of farmers.
With a view to combat droughts and floods in the long run, Modi government has plans to inter-link river basin. According to several experts, this measure may lead to severe consequences including soil salinity. Nearby small links will, however, prove to be beneficial and this had been the traditional practice so far. Large inter-state river links would not only be costly, but also have severe ecological consequences.
Instead of building costly large dams that can cause displacement of people and may have disastrous consequence in the near future leading to submergence, government should encourage small check dams and construction of canals and water harvesting.
Land degradation is taking place at a fast pace. According to a recent estimate, 32 per cent of the total land area ie 105 million hectare is degraded. A report on desertification released by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in 2007 mentions that about 69 per cent of the land in the country is dry.
Government’s plan for soil health cards for all farm plots for assessing land productivity is a step in the right direction. But it should be followed with fast and rigorous implementation for prescribing measures for restoring land productivity. Large tracts of degraded land should be brought back to agriculture. But it is unfortunate that prime farm lands are lost every year as a result of acquisition by corporate houses for setting up their business enterprises and for urbanisation. There is a need to check this trend. Land can be acquired for public purposes like setting up of schools, hospitals, construction of roads and railways.
According to Government “steps will be taken to convert farming into a profitable venture through scientific practices and agro-technology.” But the technology needs to be region specific taking into consideration the agro-climatic conditions. In the name of introducing scientific technology, the government should not allow introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops, particularly GM food crops that have conceived health and environmental risks.
Modi government’s plan to provide urban facilities in rural areas is a welcome step. But instead of encouraging corporate houses to set up rural business enterprises, it would be better if loans and other facilities are extended to the rural unemployed to set up business enterprises like processing units, storages, grading facilities, fertiliser and pesticides distribution units, agri implement manufacturing in rural areas. As an alternative these business units can be set up by local cooperatives.
Finally, if the government intends to wipe out farmers’ woos and revitalise rural economy, its policies and approach should be farmer-centric and not corporate-centric. Like the government has plans for urban economy, it should have vibrant plans for rural economy. We have had enough of urbanisation of the economy. What we need now is ruralisation of economy. (IPA Service)
Ashok B Sharma - 2014-06-23 09:55
Agriculture in India is ceasing to be a profitable enterprise. The most unfortunate part is the growing distress among the farmers, the giver of country's food security. The incidences of farmers' suicides remain high and previous governments had done little to wipe out farmers' woos.