The question is agitating the minds of even left activists and supporters because of the dismal record of the CPI(M)-sponsored agitations over the past few years. That none of the agitations launched by the CPI(M) in recent years has succeeded is an open secret. In fact, party-led agitations had become the butt of many a joke – both healthy and filthy – among the political class.
In view of such a poor reputation, a huge responsibility devolves on the CPI(M) to ensure the success of the LDF agitation against Mani. The party simply cannot afford another failure at this crucial political juncture. That is the reason why the CPI(M) is pulling out all the stops to erase the unsavoury reputation of the past.
Also, there are other reasons why the CPI(M) cannot fail the people this time around. First and foremost is the determination of its ally, the CPI to see that the planned anti-Mani agitation does not meet the fate that befell the earlier agitations, among them the much-trumpeted stir against the infamous solar scam. The CPI has made it clear that the party will no longer be a silent spectator to the ‘adjustment agitations’ the CPI(M) had allegedly spearheaded in the past, tarnishing the reputation and credibility of the LDF in the process.
It may be mentioned that the CPI had vehemently criticized the manner in which the anti-solar scam agitation – it was supposed to be an indefinite affair - was abruptly withdrawn on the afternoon on the second day of the stir, raising eyebrows all round and to the shock and surprise of even CPI(M) activists. The dominant perception of the people was that the withdrawal of the agitation was part of a ‘deal’ between the CPI(M) and the Congress-led UDF Government. The CPI has made it categorically clear that such ‘deals’ won’t be tolerated in the future.
Again, the State CPI(M)’s district conferences – prior to the State conference scheduled to be held in February end – saw the state party leadership being subjected to trenchant criticism for the manner in which the party hemmed and hawed on the issue of agitation against Mani. The leadership had brought a bad name to the party by persisting with its soft-on-Mani policy. Significantly, leader of the Opposition V. S. Achuthanandan was the only prominent CPI(M) Leader, who frowned on the leadership’s soft line vis-à-vis Mani, which manifested itself with the invitation to Mani to address the CPI(M)’s plenum held at Palakkad last year!
However, the sea-change the political situation has undergone since the eruption of the bar bribery scam involving Mani has forced the CPI(M) to change its line on Mani. With damaging disclosures being made against Mani day in and day out, the CPI(M) has realized that the Mani-wooing policy can no longer pay politically. A contributory factor was the strong opposition of the CPI to Mani being inducted into the LDF – an idea actively debated in the CPI(M) circles sometime past on the plea that a tie-up with the Mani-led Kerala Congress(M) alone can improve the prospects of the LDF in central Kerala in the assembly elections due next year.
As part of the agitation, the LDF would boycott all functions attended by Mani. The party would also take out rallies to the State secretariat and taluk offices on February 3 demanding the ouster of Mani, who has been accused of accepting bribes from bar owners and other industrialists.
The showpiece of the LDF agitation will be the decision to oppose the presentation by Mani of the next budget in the assembly. CPI(M) Poliitburo member, Kodiyeri Balakrishnan has warned that the assembly would witness unprecedented protests in the even of Mani presenting the budget.
In a strong criticism of Mani, Kodiyeri accused the Finance Minister of trying to mobilize 50 crore to mark his 50th year in assembly!. He also alleged that Mani was using the pre-budget discussions to bargain for money.
It would be no exaggeration, therefore, to say that the anti-Mani agitation would be an acid test for the CPI(M). If the party fails to sustain the agitation without realizing the objective of compelling Mani to quit, it will end up with egg on its face, dealing a crippling blow on its famed ability to conduct agitations. Lakhs of party activists are hoping for the best while keeping their fingers crossed! (IPA Service)
India: Kerala
P. Sreekumaran - 2015-01-29 11:25
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Will the CPI(M) get it right this time around? This is the million dollar question resonating in the power corridors of the State following the Left Democratic Front(LDF)’s decision to scale up the agitation demanding the resignation of Finance Minister K. M. Mani, who is in the eye of the bar bribery scam.