The survey has painted a very dismal picture for the Party. By their own leaders' submission the Bhartiya Janata Party would muster only 90-100 seats.
The survey has also said that major worry this time is lack of any popular face and charismatic leader like former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee who can deliver goods for all sections of the society and can hold lot of promise.
Interestingly, the survey was conducted in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Chhattisgarh where BJP is in power.
The Party's worry stems from the fact that strong anti-incumbency factor is playing in the minds of the people, said a senior BJP leader.
A very senior functionary of the RSS who do not wish to be named has said that the survey also suggests that BJP's biggest handicap is its inability to strike a cordial chord among the youths mainly due to overarching age of the leaders and dearth of young leaders in the party.
An estimated two crores of young voters are expected to cast their franchise for the first time. However, party seems to have failed to attract them, said survey.
The survey also pointed out that BJP's, party with a difference image has taken a hit and in his own backyard the gross in discipline and larger than life image of some of its leaders has also added to the woes.(EON)
India: Politics
BJP to get 90-100 seats in 15 Lok Sabha: Survey
Lack of popular face is the greatest worry
Kushal Jeena - 2008-10-07 10:04
New Delhi: With barely six months left for the next general elections the BJP has conducted an internal survey in which shocking results have revealed that party could get only 90 to 100 seats, which has left many leaders to do a lot of soul searching.