Sankar Ray
2011-11-16 10:35
KOLKATA: For the JNU-educated Prime Minister of Nepal, Dr Baburam Bhattarai, second-in-command in the politically-embittered United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), it’s far from ‘roses and roses all the way. Rather at every way, it’s thorns and thorns that bleed. The bitter factional feuds inside the party apart, another deterrent is the issue of amnesty towards UCPN(M) member of Constituent Assembly Balkrishna Dhungel, a murder convict who was involved in the killing of Ujjan Shrestha of Okhaldhunga in 2004. A single bench verdict by the Supreme Court of Nepal on January 3, 2010 – by Justice Tahir Ali – who sentenced Dhungel to life imprisonment along with confiscation of his property, has created political complications for Dr Bhattarai.