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IMF Approves US$171.5 Million Disbursement to Angola

Special Correspondent - 2010-05-11 08:47
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved the first review of Angola's performance under an economic program supported by the Stand-by Arrangement (SBA). The approval enables the disbursement of SDR 114.52 million (about US$171.5 million), bringing total disbursements under the arrangement to SDR 343.56 million (US$514.5 million)

ADB is bureaucratic, lacks speed in decision making, project execution and monitoring

Special Correspondent - 2010-05-11 08:42
MANILA, Philippines - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has made a positive impact on the lives of the poor in the Asia and Pacific region, and is considered a trusted development partner by its member countries, says a new independent perceptions survey commissioned by the organization. However, Respondents also cited some weaknesses which ADB will need to improve on, including perceptions that it is bureaucratic and lacks speed in decision making, and project execution and monitoring. Promotion of gender equality and governance were also identified as areas where ADB will have to do more work.

Poland: Economic growth is set to increase gradually

Special Correspondent - 2010-05-11 08:34
Executive Directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have noted that economic growth is set to increase gradually in Poland as the global environment improves, banks' risk appetite reemerges, and the inflow of EU funds accelerates. Given the still fragile recovery and surrounding uncertainties, the timing and manner of the withdrawal of fiscal and monetary stimuli will have to be carefully managed.

New World Bank Strategy for Solomon Islands

Special Correspondent - 2010-05-11 08:18
Washington DC - The World Bank has approved a country strategy for Solomon Islands which aims to support the Pacific Island nation to get onto a stable and sustainable growth path for the long term.


Special Correspondent - 2010-05-11 08:11
New York: After decades of ethnic war in which hundreds of thousands of people died, Burundi has the chance to set a new standard with its upcoming elections for peace and democracy in the broader region despite significant challenges, the top United Nations envoy in the Central African country said.

UN should take lead on new ways to raise developing countries out of the 2008 recession

Special Correspondent - 2010-05-11 08:02
New York: Against the backdrop of the debt crisis in Greece and with dwindling impetus to reform the international financial system, the United Nations should take the lead on new ways to raise developing countries out of the 2008 recession, a senior official with the world body said.

Plight of child workers in fisheries largely goes unnoticed

Special Correspondent - 2010-05-11 07:55
New York: The plight of child workers in fisheries largely goes unnoticed because data on the issue is not readily available, a group of experts brought together by the United Nations has warned, saying possible solutions to the problem will be unveiled at a forum that opened in The Hague.


Special Correspondent - 2010-05-11 07:49
New York: Information and communication technologies, such as high-speed internet, can help drive social and economic development and accelerate progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the head of the United Nations telecommunications agency said.

40 per cent of deaths of children under the age of five occur in the first month

Special Correspondent - 2010-05-11 07:41
New York: Better care for babies during the first month after they are born is key to reducing child mortality rates in developing countries, the United Nations health agency said, in an update on measures that are essential for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


Special Correspondent - 2010-05-11 07:33
New York: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that he was encouraged by the start of Israeli-Palestinian proximity talks, voicing hope that they would lead to direct negotiations between the two sides.