New Delhi: Indian rural scene still presents a picture that is well-stricken in poverty and all sorts of sufferings the origin of which lies nowhere else but in very low level of governance which tends to no governance at all. Human predicaments in the rural areas are perceivable in totality for those who have eyes to perceive. But then it is so ugly that very few people dare to see it without a veil. There are many people who see the villagers differently - for example, politicians see the villages as vote banks spread all over; wealth seekers see as the repository of overground and underground wealth for exploitation; a kind of breed that in interested in minting money in the name of their plight; a lately a new kind of people are on the increase who romanticize the rural areas for their so called beauties to attract people into the area in the name of tourism - and even sex-tourism, threatening now the very culture and ecosystems of the area. Not to mention here the extremist problem, that the villagers are suffering on account of being their areas turned into haven of extremists and a battlefield in which they are trapped in the crossfire of extremists and security forces.