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Dr Manmohan's Cabinet

Post-victory, not a smooth take off for jumbo-ministry

On performance test, with some moody allies on board
S. Sethuraman - 2009-05-30 09:31
The 79-member Union Council of Ministers headed by Dr. Manmohan Singh looks bafflingly large for cohesive and purposeful functioning of Government in meeting the development and welfare expectations of the people, which is what the 2009 elections was all about.
Corporate Watch

Pranab is on the right track to arrest slowdown

Infrastructure development is the key to growth
Nantoo Banerjee - 2009-05-29 12:55
It is good that Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, a professor of economics before he was invited by the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to join her council of ministers some 40 years ago, did not waste time to trash the Reserve Bank governor D Subbarao's theory that Indian economy did not require another stimulus package through large public investment for its recovery and the restoration of fiscal discipline was the need of the hour.
Labour And Post-Election Scene

Jubilant corporate chiefs 'set' priorities for Manmohan Govt.

Disconcerted labour awaits government's performance
Narendra Sharma - 2009-05-29 12:48
NEW DELHI: The post-Lok Sabha election scene was marked more by jubilation in the corporate sector; for them, the second term for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh “could signal big bang reforms”, as a national daily reported.
Political donations and public interest

Nexus between capitalists and politicians

Where should the common people go
Dr Gyan Pathak - 2009-05-29 12:43
New Delhi: Is political donation a bribe when an industrial house offers it to the leader and the party that led a people's movement against it? This question needs answer in view of the Tata's offering Mamata Banerjee Rs 27,70,660 in the form of political donation.
Indian politicians and the people

Family politics in full cry

It bodes ill for democracy
Kalyani Shankar - 2009-05-28 09:29
Is dynastic politics an issue in Indian democracy? Are political parties slowly becoming family fiefdom with democracy taking a backseat? Ironically, for years, many attacked the Congress for its dynastic politics. But Congress seems to be a saint compared to the regional satraps who blatantly seek power for their children and grandchildren.
Labour and employment

30 million migrant workers move in search of livelihood

Away from home, they become non-entities, suffer privations
Narendra Sharma - 2009-05-27 11:17
NEW DELHI: There is a world of difference between the sufferings of the unorganised workers living and working at their home places and those of the unorganised workers working away from their homes, in other states.
Economic reforms in India

No smooth sailing for the new government on reform measures

Mamata to oppose higher FDI in insurance, banking sectors
Nitya Chakraborty - 2009-05-27 11:11
NEW DELHI: The United Progressive Alliance Government led by Dr. Manmohan Singh will not have a smooth sailing If it tries to rush ahead with the reform measures like allowing higher foreign equity in the insurance and banking sectors following strong opposition from its major ally, Trinamool Congress led by Ms. Mamata Banerjee. Interestingly, Mamata is taking the same position as the Left on vexed issues like foreign investment and disinvestment of the public sector undertakings.
Manmohan's team

Union ministry has now 79 members, including PM

14.54 per cent of the elected MPs are ministers
Dr Gyan Pathak - 2009-05-27 10:31
New Delhi: The Prime Minister of India Dr Manmohan Singh has announced his team for the second time today after resuming office for the second term. Union ministry now consists of 79 members which is 14.54 per cent of the elected MPs from the Lower House. However, it comes to about 10 percent of the total MPs from both the Houses. It means that this list is the final one and there may not be any more expansion in near future.
Indian economy

Reviving the growth momentum is the top priority

Budget will be tabled in the first week of July
Dr Gyan Pathak - 2009-05-27 10:06
New Delhi: In his first press conference after joining office on 25th May, 2009, the new Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said that reviving the growth momentum of Indian economy reeling under the global financial crisis was the top most priority of the UPA Government.
Meaning of the poll verdict

BJP hammered, Congress boosted, Left warned

Election result sets a new political trend
Praful Bidwai - 2009-05-26 09:29
India's general election has produced a decisive verdict which sets a new political trend after 20 years. The people have sent the Bharatiya Janata Party packing and emphatically rejected its politics of exclusion, communal divisiveness and ethnic hatred.