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Fast pace of urbanization in India

Cities are emerging as the engines of economic growth

Rising influx of poors raising urban poverty, government is aware
gyanpathak - 2008-07-01 13:32
In the backdrop of rapid urbanization of India and a corresponding hope to make a better life, a large number of people from villages are coming into the townships and cities. It poses another challenges, says the Ministry of Urban Development. How are these tackled? Read the story of a country programme that ended on June 30, 2008.
Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)

Urged to access funds from the capital market

And to move away from dependence on budgetary support
gyanpathak - 2008-07-01 13:21
Sectretary of the Urban Development Ministry, Government of India Urges Urban Local bodies to become viable entities and provide good quality services to citizens of this country.
New facts of revenue collection in India

Is it callousness of the system or real economic growth

Interpretations vary according to the lobbies
gyanpathak - 2008-06-25 11:17
The Ministry of Finance, Government of India released a press note today claiming that personal income tax grew nearly 50 percent as on 21st June, 2008. Officials claimed it as an indication of economic growth and overall well-being of people. Is it really so?
Innovation in automobile

Scooter will run on sunlight and wind energy

Only need is a rechargeable battery, emergy provision for petrol
gyanpathak - 2008-06-06 06:07
A new innovation has been done by one young man Rafi Alam of Delhi. He has modified a scooter that will now run on solar and wind energy. He has made a beginning, but the big question is whether the Government of India will support such innovation by making efforts for its industrial production?
Journalism is history written in a hurry

Forms of journalism: An Internal and External History - By Gyan Pathak

A random review
Deepak Upreti - 2008-05-27 09:09
This book dwells in the earliest past to the present day to outline the evolution of journalism through the turbulence of historical developments. It helps readers to come to the grip with the myriad or rather mixed-up notions about journalism. In a way the book provides A to Z of journalism with known figures - be they scientists, writers , kings and queens or unknown or unsung heroes - shaping up and structuring the course of journalistic journey through the History.
Lady Hydari Park (Shillong) zoo closure

PETA opposes selective shifting of captive animals and birds to Assam

Questions the Meghalaya Government’s decision to open a new zoo in Ri Bhoi district
C K Nayak - 2008-05-19 12:33
Contrary to beliefs, animals and birds are not always safe in zoos. One scuh zoo, even though a century old, is going to be closed on demand from PETA.
Journalism award

C K Nayak Chosen for Pallishree Samman - 2008

gyanpathak - 2008-05-02 13:36
New Delhi: Pallibani Mission, a reputed NGO of Orsisa based in the national capital will honour journalists and literateurs on Sunday. Journalists C K Nayak and Nilambar Rath who hail from Orissa have been chosen for their contibution to journalism.

Does India not realise how immense the suffering

Where am I?...I don't know

I am being persecuted
Taslima Nasreen - 2008-02-13 12:58
Where am I? I am certain no one will believe me if I say I have no answer to this apparently straightforward question, but the truth is I just do not know. And if I were to be asked how I am, I would again answer: I don’t know. I am like the living dead: benumbed; robbed of the pleasure of existence and experience; unable to move beyond the claustrophobic confines of my room. Day and night, night and day. Yes, this is how I have been surviving.

Lifestyle agenda

Steps for Individual & Collective Suceesss, Socio-Econo & Riligo – Political Guidelines
Gyan Pathak - 2008-01-10 05:33
Mita, Lifestyle agenda, Steps for Individual & Collective Suceesss, Socio-Econo & Riligo – Political Guidelines is a recently published book authored by Narendra Agarwal and published by Aasra Publications (India), (AsraPublications@rediffmail.com).
The general therory of love - I

The idea of love: From simple joy to salvation

Why and how we love at all
Gyan Pathak - 2007-11-22 07:47
Among all the emotions we have, the only means left with us is Love, through which salvation is possible, if it is possible at all. This is the only hope, this is the only silver line, and this is the only ray which we heavily count on.