2021-03-05 16:40 -Every orator, whether addressing a huge political meeting or a small audience attending the social seminar, has to have ability to read responses that the body language reflects from audiences. It becomes more difficult for political leaders addressing huge crowd in the sprawling audiences. Indira Gandhi did not extend her address for more than 12 minutes as she believed span of masses does not extend beyond four minutes. Effective orator would deliver his or her message only when the body language of audience reflects fuller attention. Efficient leaders do not deliver their preconceived notions to their audiences but read the character of the majority in their audience. Their use of word to convey on future - “bhavi, bhavishya, mustakbil or aanewale din” - tells of their reading of the character and kind of people in front of them and accordingly change the language of their address. The wordings of slogans raised are also predetermined. The makeup of slogan in every election rally of the BJP commander Narendra Modi in both the 2014 and the 2019 election was to seek votes for the Modi government and not for the party government.