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Mustafa Fazil

Mustafa Fazil (1830-1875) was an Egyptian prince, the grandson of Muhammed Ali. He is known for his too liberal political views. He was exiled to Paris in 1866.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Intelligence dies for want of nourishment under a machinery of government which leaves nothing to the initiative of the citizen.
- 'Manifeste de la Jeune Turquie', an open letter to the Sultan Abdul 'Aziz, Liberte (March 24, 1867)
  • The first teacher of nations, the one who produces all the others and whom all the others cannot produce is Liberty.
- 'Manifeste de la Jeune Turquie', an open letter to the Sultan Abdul 'Aziz, Liberte (March 24, 1867)

Elena Petrovna Blavatsky

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