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Six Banks Sign Armenia's First Trade Finance Agreements with ADB

Special Correspondent - 2011-04-14 17:35
MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) today signed trade finance agreements with six banks in Armenia, a move that is expected to further bolster the country's trade sector and help ensure sustainable economic growth in the Central Asian country.

Ministers, Experts to Discuss Key Issues for Asia

Special Correspondent - 2011-04-14 17:31
MANILA, PHILIPPINES - Asia and the Pacific is facing rocketing food and fuel prices, further hurting the nearly 2 billion people in the region struggling on less than $2 a day and complicating economic and monetary policymaking. Floods and earthquakes in the region have added to the pressure.


Special Correspondent - 2011-04-13 23:25
New York: The United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) today welcomed the decision by both sides in the disputed area of Abyei to form a joint committee to oversee the implementation of an earlier agreement on the withdrawal of unauthorized armed forces from the area.

Donors Endorse Work Program of IMF Trust Fund to Help Countries Manage Natural Resource Wealth

Special Correspondent - 2011-04-13 23:20
Donors agreed today to endorse the work plan for the first year of operations of a new International Monetary Fund (IMF) trust fund designed to help ten low-income and lower-middle-income countries to manage better their natural resource wealth. The Managing Natural Resource Wealth Topical Trust Fund, launched in December 2010, will enable the IMF to step up its technical assistance to low- and lower-middle income countries with substantial extractive industries for harnessing the full benefit of their natural resources and accelerate poverty reduction. The trust fund’s donors are the European Union, Norway, Switzerland, Australia, the Netherlands, and Kuwait.


Special Correspondent - 2011-04-13 23:15
New York: A United Nations-backed meeting on Somalia concluded today with participants agreeing on the need to strengthen security and redouble efforts to combat extremism in the Horn of Africa nation, as well as complete a number of tasks before the transitional period ends in August.

Antimicrobial Resistance - No Action Today, No Cure Tomorrow

A.N. Khan - 2011-04-13 17:31
In 1674, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, could see bacteria through a microscope. Louis Pasteur, in 1865, founded the science of microbiology, and proved that most infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms. This became known as the 'germ theory' of disease. Alexander Fleming, discovered the mould, penicillin in 1928, which could kill many germs that caused infections. Fleming's discovery saved the lives of millions of people during the course of time. Without this drug many soldiers during World War II would have died from infections of the wounds. The discovery of penicillin led to the discovery of a whole lot of other antibiotics such as streptomycin. It was a great step forward in the history of medicine.


Tarit Mukherjee - 2011-04-13 17:27
Dr. B R Ambedkar, popularly known as Babasaheb Ambedkar, was the Architect of the Indian Constitution. Born on 14 April 1891 in Mhow, Madhya Pradesh, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was the fourteenth child of his parents, Bhimabai Sakpal and Ramji. “Sakpal” was the surname of Bhimrao and “Ambavade” was the name of his native village. To avoid the socio-economic discrimination and the ill-treatment of the higher classes of the society, Bhimrao changed his surname from “Sakpal” to “Ambedkar” by the help of a Brahmin teacher, who had great faith in him. Since then, Bhimrao and his family used the title, Ambavedkar.

National Commission for Women to Enquire into Noida BEHEL Sisters Condition

Special Correspondent - 2011-04-13 17:19
New Delhi: Smt. Yasmeen Abrar, Chairperson, National Commission for Women has stressed that NCW would continue to educate the women to adopt the collective approach in the right direction and generate awareness to join the main stream of the nation.

India Sanctions 169 Rural Tourism sites

Special Correspondent - 2011-04-13 17:16
New Delhi: Ministry of Tourism has so far sanctioned 169 rural tourism sites in 28 states/Union Territories.

Women Air Warriors Embark on MT Everest Expedition

Special Correspondent - 2011-04-13 17:13
New Delhi: Striving to “Touch the sky with glory” a 20 member Indian Air Force mountaineering team was flagged off by the Air Officer-in-charge-Administration Air Marshal JN Burma today, to scale Mt Everest.