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Praful Bidwai - 2011-02-22 09:12
Just as the United Progressive Alliance government seems set, awkwardly and belatedly, to concede the Opposition’s demand for a Joint Parliamentary Committee on the 2G-telecom spectrum scam, it has been hit by another scandal, this time involving the Department of Space (DoS) and a private company, Devas Multimedia Private Limited.
India: Politics


Amulya Ganguli - 2011-02-22 09:10
L.K. Advani is apparently still unable to make up his mind whether to retain his original hardline image or remake himself as a moderate a la Atal Behari Vajpayee. As he probably knows himself, the hawkish instincts come naturally to him. Hence, his appeal to the saffron cadres during the Ramjanmabhoomi movement when Vajpayee was excoriated as “half a Congressman” by Sadhvi Rithambara.

$2.8 Billion Investment Program Puts Clean Water on Tap for Millions of Vietnamese Families

Special Correspondent - 2011-02-22 09:00
MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank's (ADB's) Board of Directors has approved a $1 billion financial support facility that will help improve clean water access for three million families in Viet Nam, including half a million poor households who will receive their own piped water connection for the first time.
NATO forces should remain in Afghanistan

UN Counter Terrorism Committee slow in questioning Pakistan on terror : Shashi Tharoor

There are Allied forces still in Japan, Germany, Korea
ASHOK B SHARMA - 2011-02-22 08:52
New Delhi: The former Indian Minister of State for External Affairs, Dr. Shashi Tharoor today suggested that India should try to use the United Nations mechanism to check the terrorists’ activities from the soil of its neighbour Pakistan.

Drinking water unsafe in most Indian cities

Special Correspondent - 2011-02-22 04:58
New Delhi: The rapidly growing urban population has led to tremendous pressure on civic infrastructure and essential services. As per 65th round of the National Sample Survey, 74% of urban households are served by piped water supply, leaving 26 % population to be covered by other sources like tube wells and hand pumps etc. The sanitation rating conducted for 423 class I cities brought out the fact that drinking water samples from only 39 cities qualified on all three basic tests conducted to check water quality at consumer end: turbidity, residual chlorine and Thermo Tolerant Coliform bacteria (TTC).

Montenegro regaining a footing after the crisis

Special Correspondent - 2011-02-21 23:53
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Mission has said in its conclusion statement that growth is finally resuming in Montenegro. After contracting 22 months, industry began to grow again in the second half of 2010, and tourism registered a relatively strong rebound during the summer of 2010. Going forward, the recovery is projected to gain momentum, supported by high world prices and demand for Montenegro’s industrial exports, new tourism projects, and increased confidence in the financial system. Accordingly, real GDP is projected to grow some 2 percent in 2011 after an estimated 1.1 percent in 2010, while inflation is expected to remain below the level of trading partners.

Czech economy has rebounded

Special Correspondent - 2011-02-21 23:47
The Czech economy has rebounded from the downturn owing to its strong fundamentals and the global recovery, says IMF mission in its conclusion statement. It says, 'Low public debt, comfortable external position, and a stable financial sector contained the decline in output, while deep economic integration with the euro area allowed the Czech economy to benefit from the recovery of trading partners, particularly Germany. Spillovers from the debt crisis in the euro area periphery into the Czech Republic have been minor due to limited real and direct financial linkages, as well as high capital and liquidity buffers of Czech banks.'
Papua New Guinea

Growth is projected to remain strong and inflation to accelerate

Special Correspondent - 2011-02-21 23:21
Papua New Guinea has enjoyed 10 years of solid economic growth, says International Monetary Fund (IMF) in a mission concluding statement which included its preliminary findings. An unprecedented achievement for the country that owes a lot to greater political stability, sound macroeconomic policies, and improved public finances, the mission says. Higher commodity prices and the construction of a PNG LNG project—a 190 percent of GDP investment—are boosting an economy facing capacity constraints. As a result, rising consumer and asset price inflation is threatening macro-economic stability. To lower the risk of overheating firmer fiscal and monetary policies are required.


Special Correspondent - 2011-02-21 23:07
New York: The head of the United Nations agency tasked with preserving the world's cultural heritage and promoting education today highlighted the importance of mother languages, stressing their role as sources of human knowledge and creativity, and vehicles of cultural expression.