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A proposal by Human rights expert

International 'land grabbing' should be regulated

Responsible investment is the need
Special correspondent - 2009-06-13 09:32
An independent United Nations human rights expert proposed a set of measures today to guide large-scale international land purchases, known as “land grabbing,” ahead of upcoming negotiations by the “Group of Eight” (G8) industrialized nations on responsible investment in agriculture.
World's financial crisis

Worsening conditions of world's poor and hungry

Armenia, Bangladesh, Ghana, Nicaragua and Zambia most challenged
Special correspondent - 2009-06-13 09:14
The global financial crisis has hit the world's poor and hungry - and their situation is set to get even worse, according to a new study by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).
Study on Nepal

Nepal's development hampered by instabilty and poor infrastructure

There are other critical obstacles too
Special correspondent - 2009-06-13 09:02
MANILA, PHILIPPINES: Nepal's efforts to accelerate economic growth and reduce poverty are being hampered by political instability, poor infrastructure, and other critical obstacles, a new study has found.
Madhya Pradesh news letter

Performance does not pay always

MP official learns it the hard way
L.S. Herdenia - 2009-06-13 08:56
BHOPAL: Generally, officers are punished for non-performance. But Sanjana Jain, Deputy Collector of Dewas in Madhya Pradesh, has been punished for performance. She was punished for carrying out the orders of the Collector. And the Collector had asked Sanjana to raid shops on the specific instructions of Mr. Gauri Shankar Bisen, state minister for co-operation.
Parliament of India

Cordiality marks start of 15th Lok Sabha session

Will the government-opposition bonhomie laste?
Kalyani Shankar - 2009-06-13 08:51
The first session of the 15th Lok Sabha ended in a peaceful note this week with the winners and losers taking it in their stride.
New Delhi Letter

No smooth sailing for the new government

PM has to exorcise new ghosts
Political Correspondent - 2009-06-13 08:44
When election results came in, the first reaction was that the last hurdle in the way of the PM's economic agenda has finally been cleared. The 'obstructionist' Left has been pushed into irrelevance. We had instant graphics of the pending liberalization schedule like disinvestment in PSUs and raise in FDI cap.
Recent developments in India

ADB to scale up assistance to India

Additional and targeted assistance to address the impact of the finacial crisis
Dr Gyan Pathak - 2009-06-12 13:44
Asian Debelopment Bank (ADB) will scale up assistance to India for its infrastructural development and is currently discussing with the government for additional and targeted assistance to address the impact of the financial crisis.
Corporate Watch

Government to go slow on PSU disinvestment

Trinamool does a CPI(M) on the UPA government
Nantoo Banerjee - 2009-06-12 09:07
The champions of the theory of public sector disinvestment are in for a shock. Both the Prime Minister and Finance Minister have decided to go slow on this. They are willing to consider other conventional and non-conventional options to contain fiscal deficit.
Tamil Nadu politics

Karunanidhi completes smooth dynastic changes

Turf secured, he would look warily at centre
S. Sethuraman - 2009-06-12 09:01
Political India, shaken to the core by the 2009 electoral verdict, will not easily settle down reckoning with the dramatic shifts in power base. BJP, the worst to suffer, and the Left, shattered in its dream of creating a third force, go through agonizing introspections, not without a good deal of internal wrangles and fault-finding for failed strategy.
Illeegal drugs

Fake generic medicines from China with 'Made in India' label seized

India to take further action
Special correspondent - 2009-06-11 12:40
Nigerian Government Drug Regulatory Authority (NAFDAC) has reported about the detention of a large consignment of fake anti-malarial generic pharmaceuticals labelled “Made in India” but produced in China. After a laboratory analysis by NAFDAC, the drugs have been found to be fake and had it not been intercepted, about 642000 adults would have been affected.