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Discourse of Ansuya on wifely virtues

According to Ramayan, when Ram, Lakshman and Sita visited the hermitage of Atri, the sage's wife Ansuya felt extremely pleased at heart on account of goodness of nature of Sita.

Then, in affectionate and mild tones the holy woman preceeded to discourse on some wifely virtues, making her an occasion for such discourse.

Tulsidas relates the event in Ram Charit Manas where Ansuya says:

"Listen, O princess: a mother, father, and brother are all kind to us; but they bestow only limited joy. A husband, however, bestows unlimited joy in the shape of blessedness, O Vidheha's daughter; vile is the woman who refuses to serve him. Fortitude, piety a friend and a wife - these four are put to the test only in times of adversity. A woman who treats her husband with disrespect - even though he is old, sick, dull-headed, indigent, blind, deaf, wrathful, are most wretched - shall suffer various torments in hell. Devotion of body, speech and mind to her lord's feet is the only duty, sacred vow and penance of a woman. There are four types of faithful wives in this world: so declare the Vedas, the Puranas and all the saints. A woman of the best type is convinced in her heart of hearts that she cannot even dream in this world of a man other than her lord. The middling regards another's husband as her own brother, father or son (according to his age). She who is restrained by consideration of virtue or by the thought of her face is declared by the Vedas as a low woman. And know her to be the lowest woman in this world, who is restrained only by fear and want of opportunity. The woman who deceives her husband and loves a paramour is cast for a hundred cycles into the worst form of hell known by the name of Raurav Narak. Who is so depraved as the woman who for the same of a moment's pleasure reckons not the torment that shall endure for a thousand million births! The woman who sincerely takes a vow of fidelity to her husband easily attains the highest state; while she who is disloyal to her lord is widowed as soon as she attains her youth wherever she may be reborn.

A woman is impure by her very birth; but she attains a happy state hereafter by serving her lord. It is due to her loyalty to her husband that Tulsi is loved by Sri Hari even to this day and her glory is sung by all the four Vedas.

Listen, Sita: women will maintain their vow of fidelity to their husband by involving your very name, Sri Ram being dear to you as your own life. It is for the good of the world that I have spoken to you on the subject."

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